August 22, 2022

level up your online business

Whether you're an experienced affiliate marketer, ecommerce business owner or are just starting with no idea of what to do, there is always a way to improve your business. So read on for some handy tips on how to level up your affiliate marketing business and ecommerce in 30 days or less. In this article, we will explore ways to increase your website's effectiveness, grow your email list, and ultimately skyrocket your affiliate marketing efforts through a series of topics that are guaranteed to have you cashing in more money. Here are five proven ways to level up your affiliate marketing business and E-commerce:

1. Creating dangerously effective funnels

The first step to leveling up your affiliate marketing business is to create effective funnels. Funnels are simply the process of taking a potential customer from awareness to purchase. By creating an effective funnel, you can increase your conversion rates and make more sales. Here are a few tips to create an effective funnel:

Marketing Funnel VS Sales Funnel Infographic Graph

Create a blog and optimize it for search.

This is a simple yet effective way to market your website. When people search for the topic you are posting about, your site will appear at the top of their first-page search results. Just like search engines put links to authoritative sites above other websites, customers will see your post at the top of their first-page search results as an authoritative source for information.

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Thrive suite

To have you website online, you also need a hosting and a domain name. Bluehost is always the best choice.

Use multiple channels to reach your audience.

It is essential for you as a marketer to use different channels to reach your audience. This is because the marketing landscape has changed a lot in the past few years. There are many more channels out there, and it can be difficult for you to keep up with them all.

Use multiple channels to reach your audience.

You need to focus on the channels that work best for you and your business. For example, if your business has a large social media following, then you should focus on using that channel as your main marketing platform. If you have a smaller following or no social media presence at all, then it might be better to use other channels like email or video marketing instead.

The most effective way to reach your audience is by creating a website on your own. Because you are the expert, you already have an advantage over the other affiliate marketers who don't have their websites.

Tips: All the traffic from other channels must go to your website. Your goal is to close the sale and get the customer to purchase your product or service.

Use attractive visuals to grab attention and guide users through your funnel.

The most effective way to grab people's attention is by using attractive, clear visuals. Images are proven to increase conversions, so don't skimp on the quality or quantity of your images.

Improve your quality content consistently.

Quality content produces quality links and improves SEO. Viral posts are what you're aiming for.

Quality content is key in this day of age. It is valuable to both readers and search engines. Quality content helps you achieve your goals by providing value to your readers, helping you generate a following, and improving SEO rankings.

Great content is the backbone of any business. Whether it's marketing, customer service or any other form, quality content is key in making an impact. The problem with most businesses is that they are either too focused on quantity or the quality of their posts isn't up to par. To create great content that will resonate with your audience, focus on 3 main areas: writing, photos and infographics.


First, write a blog post that is thought-provoking and interesting to your audience. It should be more than just content sharing; it should be a "think piece" that tells your readers something they don't know or are struggling with, so they can reflect on their thoughts in the comments section.

Tips: To keep your readers engaged with fresh content, to save your time and effort, you can order articles & blog posts from Fiverr to have high quality writing content with reasonable prices


Next, think of a photo that is visually enthralling. It should be able to make the reader stop in their tracks and want to look at it for a while. This can be a picture of you on vacation with your family or an old-timey photo of people queueing for food stamps. 

Tips: To create professional designs with premium content and features like Brand Kit, Background Remover, Magic Resize, Content planner and more, you can use Canva for free, or use can start your free PRO trial.


Finally, create an infographic that tells a visual story of a specific topic. It should be easy to follow and clear, so it can be read in a few minutes. It's always better to share infographics with smaller sections, so each section has its own call-to-action that helps your reader see what the infographic is about in their given moment.

Use email marketing to segment your audience and re-engage them.

You'll have plenty of people visiting your site, but if you can reconnect with them over email, you'll have a higher chance of converting them into buyers at a later date. Email marketing is the second-most popular means of online communication after social media and is growing in popularity at a rapid rate.

Turn leads into sales with free email marketing tools (en)

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their audience. It is an effective channel for marketers to increase brand awareness, drive conversions, and nurture customer relationships.

The first step in email marketing is segmentation. you can segment your audience by demographics, location, interests, and more. You can then use those segments to send personalized messages that will resonate with the audience better than a generic email would.

You should also be sure to include a call-to-action in the emails you send out. This will help you re-engage your customers and increase conversion rates on key pages on your site such as the shopping cart or registration page.

Use email marketing to segment your audience and re-engage them.

Make sure to design an attractive landing page or squeeze page that appeals to your readers' emotions.

You need to tell them about the benefits of using a particular product or service and why it suits their needs perfectly. Be careful with the use of words, though; make the message short, simple, and effective.

2. Opening the floodgates and getting huge amounts of website traffic

Once you've created an effective funnel, you need to attract as much traffic to your website as possible. Floodgates are essentially any traffic source that can bring a lot of traffic to your website quickly. The more traffic you have, the more potential customers you'll have. And the more potential customers you have, the more sales you'll make hence higher affiliate marketing income.

Opening the floodgates and getting huge amounts of website traffic

The best way to find floodgates is to experiment with different traffic sources and see which ones work best for your business. Some popular traffic sources include:

Social media marketing.

Social media keeps you in touch with potential clients. For example, if you're an eCommerce business, sign up for social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If your product or service is related to fashion or beauty, people who like those things will most likely follow your social media accounts.

Improve your website's search engine rankings (SEO)

One of the most important steps in growing your affiliate marketing business is to do a thorough internet search and make sure you're displaying the best possible information to prospective customers looking for your product or service. Since search engines rank websites based on the quantity and quality of content they provide, it makes sense that high-quality websites will rank higher than low-quality websites.

Pay for advertising.

Paid advertising: Paid advertising is another great way to get more traffic to your website. You can use platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads to reach potential customers who are interested in what you have to offer.

Solo ads is a good choice, too. 

Solo ads are emails sent out to a list of people who have opted-in for your offers. They are not spam because the recipients have signed up for your content.

Solo ads can be done by anyone, but they work best when you have a list of targeted subscribers. Udimi can help you find and target people who might be interested in your offers.

Affiliate marketing networks can help you to generate traffic for your website.

Affiliate marketing networks provide services that connect affiliates with advertisers. The main benefit of using an affiliate marketing network is that you can focus on your content, target a specific demographic, and get high-quality traffic to your site.

Email marketing

Using email marketing to tell a prospect about your product or service may be the most effective way to reach out to your customers. The best part is that you own the list of email addresses so you can market to them over and over again while protecting their privacy.

Mobile Marketing

Use mobile marketing to make your products easily accessible to customers on their smartphones. The Internet is a widely used medium for mobile advertising, providing you with the opportunity for targeted traffic.

3. Growing a colossal email list

Once you've attracted the right amount of traffic, it's time to start building your email list. The more people that have signed up for your emails, the more potential customers you'll be able to reach with your affiliate marketing offers. As with everything on the internet, the more time you spend developing your email list, the better results you'll have.

Here are a few ways to build out your email list:

Create valuable content.

Don't focus solely on affiliate marketing details, such as how to make money with affiliate marketing. Offer information that will interest your subscribers and make them want to stay connected with you and your business.

For an example: Angela Brooks offers visitors a Free Keto Cookbook

Include useful links in your emails.

You will be more effective as an affiliate marketer if you offer useful links to other related websites in your emails instead of straight-up sales pitches and affiliate offers. This also helps build trust between you and the reader, which is a crucial factor for long-term success.

Include useful links in your emails.

Use pop-ups.

Popups are effective ways to engage with your email subscribers and keep them interested in what's coming next. Since popups will display on users' browsers, they will be more likely to click on the chosen link near the bottom of the popup.

Use lead magnets.

A lead magnet is an offer that may require a subscriber to provide personal information to receive the benefit of the offer. Instead of simply asking them to subscribe, give your subscribers something in return - whether it's an email course, a report, or another valuable resource - for providing their information.

Here's an example for lead magnet:

You can also download this report, it help you avoid the mistakes that 90% affiliate marketers are facing now. 

Ask website visitors for their feedback.

If you provide a product or service online, there are certain steps you can take to get potential clients to sign up for your email updates. For example, if you have a website, ask for people's email addresses when they go through the checkout process.


Send an email or survey to your list asking them what they would like to see in your marketing emails in the future. They may be able to provide you with unique insight on how you can make your affiliate marketing campaigns more effective.

Create contests and giveaways.

Contests and giveaways are fun ways to encourage people to sign up for your email updates. Create a contest for a product or service as well as one involving a giveaway of another product or service.

4. Launching your eCommerce empire

Once you've built up your email list and have a large number of customers on your website, it's time to launch your eCommerce empire. Ecommerce is simply the process of selling products online. By launching an ecommerce store, you can reach a larger audience and make more sales.

Here are a few things you need to do to launch your ecommerce empire:

  • Find a niche: Identify the type of products or services you want to sell and focus on one particular niche. For example, if you're selling clothing, choose a niche that focuses on women's clothing.
  • Decide what additional features you may need: Before continuing with your ecommerce venture, make sure you have enough money to invest in the additional software and marketing materials that are required for successful ecommerce success.
  • Build a website: Build a site for your ecommerce business by using a content management system (CMS). A CMS helps you to manage your posts and pages by categorizing them. These include forums, shops, archives, and search pages. 
  • Write ads: Create ads for your site by using a platform such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads. Make sure you have a solid strategy in place before starting work on your ad campaign because it's important to start with a plan and stick to it.

5. Building an unforgettable brand

An ecommerce site is nothing without an unforgettable brand. To stand out in a competitive market, your brand must be memorable and recognizable. Your brand is what makes you unique and sets you apart from your competitors. It's the heart and soul of your business.

Global top brands

Here are a few ways to help you create a successful and unforgettable brand:

  • Define your brand: The first step is to define your brand. What are your values? What is your mission? What makes you different?
  • Create a visual identity: The next step is to create a visual identity for your brand. This includes things like your logo, color scheme, and font. The logo is the foundation of your brand because it will be associated with every product and service offered by your business.
  • Consider hiring an expert: If you lack the time or resources to develop a memorable brand, consider hiring someone who already has the skills you need.
  • Build a website: A great way to showcase your brand is to build a website. Your website should be beautiful, easy to use, and informative.
  • Promote your brand: The final step is to promote your brand. You can use social media, paid to advertise, and public relations to get the word out about your business.
  • Build trust with your customers by offering great customer service: As an ecommerce business, you want to make sure that customers feel like they can count on you for whatever they might be interested in purchasing from you. Providing great customer service will help you build trust among your customers and set a consistent expectation of high quality.


To make your Affiliate marketing business or eCommerce business successful, you must follow a smart and strategic plan. This plan must include focus and dedication to learning as much as you can about marketing, building a great product, creating funnels and landing pages, getting traffic from your email list to your website, and most importantly creating an unforgettable brand that people will love.

There is no doubt that you can be very successful in affiliate marketing an eCommerce. It's a solid way to make money online if you do it correctly. Use the information in this article to build a solid eCommerce and affiliate marketing business and you will undoubtedly be very successful.

If you want to level up your affiliate marketing business or eCommerce business, then you need to take action. Join this summit now and take your business to the next level.


LEVEL-UP Your Online Business in 30 Days or Less

Grab your FREE seat and let the top 1% of online entrepreneurs teach you how to work less and earn more

Full-time quality engineer and part-time affiliate marketer. Minh has over 4 years of experience in internet marketing and spends his free time writing guides, tips and tricks to help beginner affiliate marketers find their way to a profitable second passive income.

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  • What a fantastic article Minh!! So thorough. You’ve covered all the important aspects to any online business. Everyone needs to bookmark your article!
    Wishing you great success,

    • Thank you so much Suzanne for taking the time to read and share your thoughts with me. I’m so glad you enjoyed the article. I hope this will be a good resource for people looking to start their online business!
      Thanks and Best Regards,
      Minh Leong

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