May 1, 2022

Have you just watched a video or read a post where a person has earned hundreds of dollars a day just by affiliate marketing?

In this article, you will discover What Is Affiliate Marketing and How to Get Started, including Why do affiliate marketing, Common Types of Affiliate Marketing Channels, How does affiliate marketing work, Examples of Affiliate Marketing, How Much Money Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer, and things to watch out for are all below. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a form of internet marketing in which one company pays another company for referrals.

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

In other words, Affiliate marketing is an online advertisement that pays the affiliate a commission for every lead or sale they generate. The affiliate can be either an individual or a company that sells products and services, and can be paid either per lead, per sale, or both.

Basically, this is also what we can call revenue sharing between the online merchants/vendors and online affiliates. The compensation given to the affiliates depend on how many user clicks, sales or registrations were made on the merchant's website via their own.

Affiliate marketing enables the automation of the advertising processes and the payment for desired actions. Merchants have preferred this internet marketing strategy because it is a “pay per performance” model, where they do not incur any expenses for marketing their products unless the affiliate produces the results they need.

Affiliate marketing can also be translated as a type of business relationship where you, as an affiliate, promote a merchant's services which is different from yours. This means that you do not need to have your own product in order to venture into affiliate marketing. You only need to promote your business provider's services and products.

The commission rate varies depending on the affiliate network and product being sold but it typically ranges from 10% to 75%. This type of advertising is free to start up and can be very profitable if you are successful at it.

Why you should consider doing affiliate marketing?

As an affiliate marketer, you are able to offer your audience products or services that you believe in and that you know will be of value to them. In return for promoting these products or services, you earn a commission on any sales that you generate.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and lucrative ways to make money online. It’s also a great way to promote your own products and services while earning commissions on every sale you generate.

There are many reasons why you should consider affiliate marketing as your next business venture. The following are some of the key benefits that you can enjoy by starting an affiliate marketing campaign:

1. Low-risk and low-cost

Usually, starting a traditional business means incurring upfront costs for products or services, employees, office rental, office furniture, equipment, incorporation fees, inventory, and so on.

Those costs make it risky and expensive.

With affiliate marketing, all you need is a website or blog, an audience and a little bit of capital to purchase some affiliate marketing tools. You don't even need to pay for the affiliate marketing tools. Because there are many free tools but powerful that you can use forever.

Most affiliate programs are free to join, and you don’t have to create, stock, or ship products. Vendor will handle those heavy duties. This also means less hassle and responsibility for you.

Therefore, Affiliate marketing is a relatively low-risk and low-cost way to start your own business.

2. Passive income potential

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to generate passive income. Once you have built up a base of loyal followers, you can earn commission on sales that they make, without having to do any additional work.

Affiliate marketing can also be a great way to diversify your income stream.

3. Work from anywhere in the world

Some of the best things about affiliate marketing are that you can work from anywhere in the world, in a cafeteria, on a bench in the park, on a beautiful beach, or from your comfortable home, set your own hours, as long as you have internet access. 

The freedom of time and location is surely the most important reason why you should consider to become an affiliate marketer.

4. No formal education needed

You don’t need to have a master’s degree in rocket science in order to make money online with affiliate marketing. People with any background can learn how to create a successful digital business. The steps are easy, simple and straightforward.

How does affiliate marketing work?

This is how it works – you need to have a web page that contains a link that directs your users or visitors to the main page or online store of the merchant. When one of your site visitors clicks on that link and purchases something from the merchant's website, you will get a sort of commission or a referral fee.

how affiliate link look like

This way you are the one driving traffic to your merchant's website through your own web page. The merchant will pay you whenever a visitor from your site buys something or signs up for something on their site.

A special affiliate link is assigned to your web page, making it easy for the merchant to track customers coming from your site. One merchant is allowed different affiliate links and all of them will direct the users to its website.

Another strategy that works in affiliate marketing is the use of web page codes or web cookies. This is actually a very interesting way to still profit even if your visitor clicks on the affiliate link and does not purchase from the merchant's site at once. How does this work?


The moment a user clicks on the link, a cookie is stored in his computer, indicating that he or she visited the merchant's site and recording your page as the one that referred him to that website.

If, let's say a couple of weeks later, the user finally decides to buy something from the merchant's online store and types the web address of the merchant directly into his browser, the cookies stored in his computer will still recognize the purchase as a referral from your affiliate link, allowing you to receive a compensation from the merchant.

Note that cookies have expiration, so you must read the affiliate program's terms carefully to check the life span of these cookies.

Examples of Affiliate Marketing?

You likely have seen examples of affiliate marketing before, even if you didn’t realize it.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Amazon Associates - Amazon’s affiliate marketing program is one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. The Amazon Associates Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetize their traffic.

With millions of products and programs available on Amazon, associates use easy link-building tools to direct their audience to their recommendations, and earn from qualifying purchases and programs.

ClickBank Affiliate Marketing

ClickBank is one of the leading affiliate marketplaces in the world!
Over 100,000 affiliates worldwide choose ClickBank as their preferred marketplace, and for good reason: Clickbank's paid over $5 billion in commissions on time since 1999.

How Much Money Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?

Honestly, the simple and answer is that there is no limit. It depends on the niche you pick and the amount of work and effort you put in.

Affiliate Income for affiliate marketers vary, with some making a few dollars, some making a few thousand dollars and some making six figures.

It depends on which product or service is being marketed, how many potential audiences the marketer can reach, and how much time is put in marketing products and services.

Usually, those spending more time marketing the company's products and services will earn more money. 

For example, Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income made over $315,000 in affiliate commissions from 2015 to 2017.

Ryan Robinson, another affiliate marketer, generated $21,200.09 in blog income during October of 2019.

Check out the stats about affiliate marketers’ salaries/incomes across the US:

  1. Zip Recruiter lists the average salary for an affiliate marketer in the United States at $154,700.
  2. Payscale asserts that the average annual income for an affiliate marketer is $52,590. 
  3. Glassdoor pinpoints the average affiliate marketer's salary somewhere in the middle at $75,730.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing?

1. Choose a Profitable Niche in Affiliate Marketing

To start with affiliate marketing, first thing first, you need to find a niche that you're passionate about. It will determine the type of products you promote.

The next step is that you should evaluate the market demand and also size up your competition.

This will help you in picking the right niche for you and your business. Once you have found a niche, do some keyword research and create a content plan for it.

In this exploratory phase, start by asking yourself some questions like:

  • What topics, hobbies, or fields am I passionate about?
  • Are there plenty of people who search for my chosen niche every day?
  • Is there a lot of competition for my niche?
  • How to Find the Best Keywords to Get Found and Promote?
  • What kind of content would I like to make to best serve my chosen niche and my skill set? 

Len Markidan

Chief Marketing Officer at Podia

“If you don’t genuinely think that a product will improve people’s lives, don’t sell it! This is critical to long-term success as an affiliate. It only takes one bad recommendation to lose someone forever. But by taking the time to do your research, try every product you’re thinking about promoting, and think carefully about whether it’s a good fit for your audience, you can build a successful business by being a trusted source of useful recommendations.”

2. Pick a right platform that matches your niche

After picking a niche, you will need to decide which platform to use. There are many platforms that offer affiliate content creation services. Some of the most popular ones are:

1. Blogger

Blogger is a free platform that lets you create a blog and publish articles. It has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to upload images and videos, as well as edit your text with ease. You can even monetize your blog if you want to!

2. WordPress

This platform, which is the most popular blogging software in the world, offers a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create a blog without any technical knowledge. You can upload images and videos easily, along with setting up your own templates and themes.

3. YouTube:

YouTube is another free platform, which is over a billion people using it every month that lets you upload videos, create playlists, and share them with other people around the world.

You can also make money by running ads on your videos or by creating sponsorships with companies who want to promote their products on your channel!

For example: this YouTube video is promoting How to Cure Migraine Headache Permanently, there is an affiliate link in the video description.

4. Instagram:

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. It is free to download and use and is a great way to share your photos and videos with friends, family, and the world!

5. LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a social media platform that lets you share your professional accomplishments with others in your industry. It helps you connect with professionals who can help you advance in your career and find jobs or internships.

6. Tumblr:

Tumblr is a social media platform that lets you create blogs, which are basically like personal websites that include posts about anything you like. It’s a great way to share your thoughts on just about anything!

7. Twitter: 

Twitter is also a great platform for beginners because it is so simple to use. You can post updates about what you are doing or what you think about something that's happening in the world, without having to worry about getting into too much detail.

Tips to choose a platform for affiliate marketing:

  • If you are good at making videos, YouTube will be your priority
  • If you are good at writing, then blogging should be your choice
  • If you want to share your ideas and thoughts, Facebook and Twitter are the platforms you might consider.
  • If you want to create beautiful images with quotes or short videos, then Instagram, Tiktok and Pinterest are the right ones.

3. Join an affiliate marketing network

Affiliate networks are businesses that facilitate the process of online marketing by connecting publishers with advertisers. Affiliates are paid a commission for each lead, sale, or other action they generate for the advertiser.

There are many affiliate networks to choose from, but not all of them are created equally. Some networks may be more beneficial than others depending on your needs and goals. It's important to know what makes a good affiliate network before signing up with one.

The first thing you should consider when choosing an affiliate network is whether or not they have your desired country as a supported region. If you're only looking for commissions in the US, for example, then you'll need to find an affiliate network that supports US-based signups. 

The next thing to look for in an affiliate network is their commission rates and payouts. You should also consider their conversion rates and how well they convert customers into buyers .

The next thing to consider is the affiliate network's website and technology. You want to make sure that their website is easy to navigate and their technology is up-to-date.

You should also find out how long they've been in business, how long they've been supporting affiliates. You need to check out reviews from people who have had experience.

There are many affiliate marketing networks out there and You can decide which one is suitable for you to sign up for.

1. Commission Junction

CJ is a network that has been around since 1998 and is one of the most popular networks with over 700,000 affiliates. The company offers over 100,000 products for advertisers to choose from and sells about $4 billion worth of merchandise annually. 

CJ had the goal of building a network that would be owned by its members, which would allow them to share in the success of the company as it grew. CJ has grown tremendously since then, now employing more than 200 people worldwide.

2. Amazon Associates

The Amazon Associates program is an affiliate marketing program that allows websites to generate sales for Amazon. It's free to join and easy to use.

There are two ways in which a website can participate in the Associates Program:

1) The website can create a text link on their site that advertises products on Amazon;

2) The website can create a banner ad for the Associate’s Program that links to and advertises products on

When someone clicks on one of these links, or when someone clicks through the banner ad and buys a product, they earn commission from the sale at no cost to them or the website owner. This commission is usually 4-10% of the total purchase price, depending on whether they're an "individual"

3. ShareASale

ShareASale is a global affiliate marketing and eCommerce company. It is a leading affiliate marketing and eCommerce company with over 3,000 clients worldwide. It has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has helped thousands of affiliates make money online.

ShareASale offers access to more than 100 million consumers through its network of merchants, which includes Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Costco, Etsy and many others. The company also provides access to more than 10 million products from these merchants on its own site.

ShareASale’s affiliate marketing platform facilitates transactions between merchants and affiliates by providing tracking software that helps merchants monitor the performance of their affiliates in real time.

4. ClickBank

ClickBank is an affiliate marketing platform that allows you to promote products and services from third-party vendors. 

For those who are not familiar with ClickBank, it is a digital marketing service that provides affiliate marketers with the tools they need to be successful.

ClickBank has been around since 1998, and it’s been growing exponentially ever since. This means that they offer a lot of tools for any type of business or marketer.

Tips to choose a profitable affiliate program

  1. High volume, low commissions affiliate programs: Amazon Associates by promoting laptops, PS5, TVs
  2. Low volume, high commissions affiliate programs: you can join some luxury affiliate program then promote luxury watches and fashion
  3. High volume, high commissions affiliate programs: There are some Financial affiliate programs like opening credit cards, or Software as a service affiliate programs like web/wordpress hosting, sales funnel builder and email marketing tools. Please be noted that you will compete with thousands of affiliate marketers out there.

My recommendation

ClickBank Marketplace is free and easy to join, it does not require you to have a professional website, thousand subscribers on YouTube Channel, or million views on your social media.

ClickBank affiliate program is designed for all levels of affiliate marketers from beginner to expert. For each affiliate marketing program, you have all the tools you need to promote the products like banners, emails swipes, articles, images, videos and landing pages.

4. Create and Publish great content in your niche

1. Why Creating Create Content is Important?

Have you ever heard The phrase ‘content is king’ in marketing?

Yes, Content marketing is the new way to build your brand and increase revenue. It's one of the most powerful tools for reaching your audience, converting leads and engaging customers. It helps you build trust with them and improve their perception of you.

There are 5 ways to create content that will not only boost your company/personal brand but also help you increase revenues.

1. Create a content strategy that is tailored to your customer base and their needs.

Your content strategy will be evaluated on two metrics: how many people are reading your content and how much it is engaging them.

The best way to measure success on a blog is the number of people reading the content and how engaged they are with it. There are a couple of ways to measure how many people read your blog/post.

The first is by checking your site's analytics. This will tell you how many people visited your content or clicked through to other articles. You can also see how many followers you have and look at which posts have the most engagement.

2. Provide valuable content that is focused on the customer’s pain points and create a sense of urgency to buy your product or service.

To improve your conversions, you need to focus on your customers' pains. If you can find a way to address their pain points and make them feel like they have no other option but to buy from you, you will see an increase in sales.

3. Develop a system for measuring how people interact with your content and use it to improve future posts for better engagement rates.

The best way to measure how people interact with your content is to use an analytics tool like Google Analytics to monitor which posts are getting the most engagement and what social media platforms are the most popular.

Use this information to create a strategy for future posts that will get more shares and likes.

4. Offer new ideas, solutions, and insights into your industry by creating original content that sets you apart from the competition.

The best way to stand out from the competition is by producing original content that sets you apart. This can be done through guest blog posts, infographics, and/or videos.

Every day, we are bombarded with advertisements and new products. Constantly trying to get our attention, they can become distractions.

To stay focused on the content of a business's website and stay on page, it is important to create content that is original and engaging.

By creating unique content that stands out amongst the competition, your company will be able to stay in front of customers' eyes without needing a huge marketing budget.

5. Create a blog where you can share what you know about your industry with others in order to build credibility as an expert in your field

It is essential for entrepreneurs and personal to build a brand and a following in order to succeed.

Blogging is one way of doing this. A blog can be used as a personal diary, journal, or memoir about your business and what you do on a day-to-day basis. It can be used to share information on products, services, industry trends, and more.

Blogs are also a great way to build a personal brand and business visibility. This content is only accessible to users in certain markets. If you would like access to this content please contact the creator via their site or comment on the blog post for this content.

2. The different types of content that are created in content marketing:

1. Product reviews

Product reviews are a type of content that can help you generate leads and increase the number of people who buy your product.

People are increasingly turning to product reviews before making a purchase.

Why are reviews important? Your reviews can help people avoid wasting their time and money on a product that does not live up to the hype.

Reviews provide an impartial account of what other buyers like about your product and the areas where they feel it falls short. The average buyer looks at reviews before making a decision on whether or not to purchase a product.

2. Product comparisons

Product comparisons are used to promote the features of a product in order to help people make decisions on which one to buy.

This type of content is used as lead generation and can also be used to help potential customers decide which product they need. Companies that are promoting a product or service can use comparisons to compare their product with a competitor's. This can be done through text, images, videos, and even infographics.

3. Resource pages

Resource pages are a great way to promote what products or services you are using. These pages are shown your website and allow your audiences to quickly find information they're looking for all in one place. If they buy from your affiliate links, you will get commission.

For example:

4. Tutorials

Tutorials are helpful guides that teach people how to use certain products or services in order to get the most out of them.

Tutorials can be found in a variety of formats such as videos, blogs, infographics or articles and are helpful for both beginners and advanced users.

They teach viewers how to use a software or service by breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-follow steps.

5. Drive traffic to your affiliate site

Why is it Important to Drive Traffic to Your Affiliate Site?

Driving traffic to your affiliate site is an important part of succeeding as an affiliate marketer. Without traffic, you won’t be able to generate revenue from your website.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your affiliate marketing business. Without it you won’t be able to generate revenue from your site. There are many different strategies for getting traffic to your site, and it’s important that you find what works best for you.

 Some of the most effective ways to drive traffic are SEO, PPC (pay per click), social media and email marketing.

Today, there are many tools and strategies for driving traffic to your site. Below are a few tips that you can use to effectively drive traffic to your affiliate site.

7 Direct Ways To Get Traffic To Your Affiliate Site

1. Write a blog post that is relevant to your audience and publish it on your site.

Blogging is a great way to get your content out into the world and attract new readers. It allows you to share your knowledge with people from all over the globe and make money off of your work at the same time.

Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to make money online because it's so easy. You can even blog from a smartphone!

2. Share your content on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Social media is a great way to advertise your content. This article will teach you how to use these platforms to increase your exposure and generate more traffic, leads and sales for your business.

3. Create an infographic about a topic of interest and share it on social media sites mentioned above.

Infographics are an excellent way to present complex and interesting topics in an easy to understand format. They can be shared across a variety of social media sites that are relevant to your topic such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and more.

4. Make a video about the topic of interest and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo for others to watch it online or embed in your blog post for viewers to watch it directly from your site.

AI editing software for photos, like the ones provided by Adobe, are generating great results. They analyze your image and make adjustments to it to improve the quality and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

5. Submit your website URL to directories such as DMOZ, Yahoo! Directory, Google Maps, Yahoo! Local Listings and Bing Local Listings

Search Engines use local listings to rank businesses in their search results. This is because most people searching for something are looking for a business nearby.

If your business is not geographically relevant, the search engine will not show your website in their results.

6. Create Facebook ads to promote your affiliate offers. 

Facebook ads are a great way to promote your affiliate offers. They are an inexpensive, targeted, and measurable advertising option. However, there is a lot of competition on Facebook.

You should do your own research how to create an effective Facebook advertising strategy for affiliates.

  • The benefits of Facebook advertising
  • How to set up a campaign
  • How to use targeting options
  • What ad types you should consider using when promoting affiliate products
7. Create an Effective google Advertising Strategy

An effective Google advertising strategy is a must-have for any affiliate marketing campaign. You should create an effective Google advertising strategy that will increase your conversion rates and ROI.

  • Understand the importance of keywords
  • Create a plan to reach your target audience
  • Choose the right ad type and format
  • Make sure your landing page is optimized
  • Keep your ads fresh and relevant

Tips to drive traffic to affiliate site:

As an beginner affiliate marketer, you should focus on one traffic method only. Never let you overloaded. When you master a method, you can consider another method.


As an affiliate marketer, you have to be creative and use all your marketing skills to get the best results. In this article, we have covered some of the most important tips for you to make money as an affiliate marketer.

In conclusion, if you are a newbie in this field, we recommend that you start by reading about affiliate marketing basics. Always do your research before promoting any product and try to find out whether it is worth spending time on it or not. And finally, always provide value for the audience so that they will be interested in buying from you.

Summary: How to Do Affiliate Marketing in 2022

  1. Choose A Profitable Niche In Affiliate Marketing
  2. Pick A Right Platform That Matches Your Niche
  3. Join An Affiliate Marketing Network
  4. Create And Publish Great Content In Your Niche
  5. Drive traffic to your affiliate site

Frequently Asked Questions about Affiliate Marketing

Minh Leong

Full-time quality engineer and part-time affiliate marketer. Minh has over 4 years of experience in internet marketing and spends his free time writing guides, tips and tricks to help beginner affiliate marketers find their way to a profitable second passive income.

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