February 8, 2023

The New System to Launch an Online Business

Attention all aspiring online entrepreneurs! Are you tired of the slow and tedious traditional method of launching your online business? Are you ready for a faster and more efficient approach? If so, you'll want to check out "The New System to Launch an Online Business" by Aurelien Amacker, founder of Systeme.io.

In this groundbreaking ebook, Aurelien introduces a new method for launching your online business that is not only faster, but also leads to higher conversion rates and more potential for growth. The old way of launching an online business involves building an email list, surveying your leads, and creating an online course to solve their pain points. While this method works, it can take a lot of time and result in low conversion rates.

Overview of the Old Way of Launching an Online Business

The old way of launching an online business involved the following steps:

  1. Finding a niche - this was often a hit-or-miss process, with entrepreneurs spending months or even years trying to find their niche.
  2. Building an audience - once a niche was found, entrepreneurs would focus on building their audience, but this was often a slow and frustrating process.
  3. Creating a sales machine - once an audience was built, entrepreneurs would focus on creating a sales machine to convert their audience into customers. This was often a complex and time-consuming process.

These steps were often repetitive and ineffective, leading to many businesses failing to take off.

Overview of the New Way of Launching an Online Business

Aurelien's new method is simple and effective. All you need to do is create a premium offer ($497-$997), sell it "face-to-face," and build a team to delegate. By selling your offer in person, whether over the phone or through a service like Skype, you can achieve conversion rates of 33% or higher. This means that with just a few clients per month, you can start making a living right away.

The New System to Launch an Online Business

The new way of launching an online business involves the following steps:

  1. Launch It! - This step involves picking a niche and running strategy sessions to ensure your business is on the right track from the start.
  2. Grow It! - This step involves building your audience, building your team, and building your sales machine.
  3. Scale It! - This step involves scaling your traffic, scaling your conversions, and scaling your business using Facebook Ads.

Benefits of The New Way of Launching an Online Business

The New Way of Launching an Online Business is a more effective approach that allows you to achieve faster results and higher conversion rates. The main difference between the old and new method is that the new method focuses on creating a premium offer, instead of just promoting your products or services.

A premium offer is a high-quality product or service that solves your customers' pain points and is sold at a premium price. By creating a premium offer, you are able to build a strong relationship with your customers, increase your conversion rates, and generate more revenue.

Aurelien Amacker successfully used this approach to launch Systeme.io, and the results were impressive. Systeme.io has grown rapidly, and it is now one of the leading platforms for launching online businesses.

How To Successfully Launch Your First Online Business

The New System to Launch Your Online Business is broken down into three main sections: Launch, Grow, and Scale. In each of these sections, Amacker provides step-by-step instructions on how to build a successful online business from the ground up.

Step 1: Launch It!

The first step in launching your online business is to pick a niche. This might seem like an easy task, but it's actually one of the most important decisions you'll make. In order to be successful, you need to choose a niche that you're passionate about and that has a large enough market to be profitable.

Once you've picked your niche, it's time to run strategy sessions. These sessions are designed to help you come up with a clear plan for your online business, including what you want to sell, who you want to sell to, and how you want to sell it.

Step 2: Grow It!

Once you've launched your online business, it's time to start growing it. The first step in this process is to build your audience. This can be done through a variety of methods, including social media marketing, search engine optimization, and content marketing.

Next, you need to build your team. This could include hiring employees, freelancers, or contractors to help you run your online business more effectively.

Finally, you need to build your sales machine. This includes creating a sales page, setting up an email marketing system, and using paid advertising to drive sales.

Step 3: Scale It!

The final step in launching your online business is to scale it. The first step in this process is to scale your traffic. This can be done by increasing your social media following, improving your search engine rankings, or investing in paid advertising.

Next, you need to scale your conversions. This involves improving your sales page, testing different marketing strategies, and finding ways to increase your customer lifetime value.

Bonus: How to Scale Your Business Using Facebook Ads

In addition to the core steps outlined above, The New System to Launch Your Online Business also includes a bonus section on how to scale your business using Facebook Ads

As an example, Aurelien shares how he used this method to launch Systeme.io, a software as a service (SaaS) company that now makes $40,000 per month selling high-end coaching offers. This method is not limited to just fitness trainers, as Aurelien explains in the book. It can be applied to any online business and has the potential for extreme growth.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business! "The New System to Launch an Online Business" is now available for free download. Start reading and take the first step towards launching your successful online business today!


In conclusion, The New System to Launch an Online Business is a more effective approach that allows you to achieve faster results and higher conversion rates. By creating a premium offer, you are able to build a strong relationship with your customers, increase your conversion rates, and generate more revenue.

We encourage you to download Aurelien Amacker's ebook, The New System to Launch an Online Business, and start your journey to success. This ebook will provide you with all the information you need to launch your online business the New Way.

Full-time quality engineer and part-time affiliate marketer. Minh has over 4 years of experience in internet marketing and spends his free time writing guides, tips and tricks to help beginner affiliate marketers find their way to a profitable second passive income.

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